검색결과 리스트
Sublime Repl with scheme
Repl 을 이용하여 scheme 을 세팅한다.
서브라임의 packageInstall 을통해 먼저 SublimeRepl 을 설치.
먼저 CLI 가 존재하는 스킴컴파일러를 적절히 (여기서는 SCM) 설치한다.
(in windows)
다음 파일에서 scm 을 이용하도록 수정
%AppData%\Sublime Text 2\Packages\SublimeREPL\config\Scheme\Main.sublime-menu
"cmd": {"linux": ["scheme"],
"osx": ["scheme"],
"windows": ["scm"]},
혹은, ["scm", "-f", "$file_basename"] 을 지정하여 파일을 바로 넘길수 있다. 이때에는 repl 창이 계속해서 생성되는 불편함이 있지만.. #<unspecified> 같은 불편한 문자가 반복되지 않는다..
편의를 위해 단축키 설정. 같은 경로에 Default.sublime-keymap 생성, 적당한 단축키를 repl 프롬프트를 열기위한 값으로 설정한다.
{ "keys": ["alt+,"], "command": "run_existing_window_command", "args": {"id": "repl_scheme", "file": "config/Scheme/Main.sublime-menu"}}
서브라임이 구문분석을 할 수 있게 하기위해, Scheme.tmLanguage 파일을 생성한다. (경로는 main.sublime-menu 에 지정되어 있다. 기본값은 다음과 같음)
comment The foldings do not currently work the way I want them to. This may be a limitation of the way they are applied rather than the regexps in use. Nonetheless, the foldings will end on the last identically indented blank line following an s-expression. Not ideal perhaps, but it works. Also, the #illegal pattern never matches an unpaired ( as being illegal. Why?! -- Rob Rix Ok, hopefully this grammar works better on quoted stuff now. It may break for fancy macros, but should generally work pretty smoothly. -- Jacob Rus I have attempted to get this under control but because of the way folding and indentation interact in Textmate, I am not sure if it is possible. In the meantime, I have implemented Python-style folding anchored at newlines. Additionally, I have made some minor improvements to the numeric constant highlighting. Next up is square bracket expressions, I guess, but that should be trivial. -- ozy` fileTypes scm sch foldingStartMarker (?x)^ [ \t]* \( (?<par> ( [^()\n]++ | \( \g<par> \)? )*+ ) $ foldingStopMarker ^\s*$ keyEquivalent ^~S name Scheme patterns include #comment include #sexp include #string include #language-functions include #quote include #illegal include #constants repository comment captures 1 name punctuation.definition.comment.scheme match (;).*$\n? name comment.line.semicolon.scheme constants patterns match #[t|f] name constant.language.boolean.scheme match (?<=[\(\s])((#e|#i)?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|(#x)[0-9a-fA-F]+|(#o)[0-7]+|(#b)[01]+)(?=[\s;()'",\[\]]) name constant.numeric.scheme illegal match [()\[\]] name invalid.illegal.parenthesis.scheme language-functions patterns match (?x) (?<=(\s|\(|\[)) # preceded by space or ( ( do|or|and|else|quasiquote|begin|if|case|set!| cond|let|unquote|define|let\*|unquote-splicing|delay| letrec) (?=(\s|\()) name keyword.control.scheme comment These functions run a test, and return a boolean answer. match (?x) (?<=(\s|\()) # preceded by space or ( ( char-alphabetic|char-lower-case|char-numeric| char-ready|char-upper-case|char-whitespace| (?:char|string)(?:-ci)?(?:=|<=?|>=?)| atom|boolean|bound-identifier=|char|complex| identifier|integer|symbol|free-identifier=|inexact| eof-object|exact|list|(?:input|output)-port|pair| real|rational|zero|vector|negative|odd|null|string| eq|equal|eqv|even|number|positive|procedure ) (\?) # name ends with ? sign (?=(\s|\()) # followed by space or ( name support.function.boolean-test.scheme comment These functions change one type into another. match (?x) (?<=(\s|\()) # preceded by space or ( ( char->integer|exact->inexact|inexact->exact| integer->char|symbol->string|list->vector| list->string|identifier->symbol|vector->list| string->list|string->number|string->symbol| number->string ) (?=(\s|\()) # followed by space or ( name support.function.convert-type.scheme comment These functions are potentially dangerous because they have side-effects which could affect other parts of the program. match (?x) (?<=(\s|\()) # preceded by space or ( ( set-(?:car|cdr)| # set car/cdr (?:vector|string)-(?:fill|set) # fill/set string/vector ) (!) # name ends with ! sign (?=(\s|\()) # followed by space or ( name support.function.with-side-effects.scheme comment +, -, *, /, =, >, etc. match (?x) (?<=(\s|\()) # preceded by space or ( ( >=?|<=?|=|[*/+-]) (?=(\s|\()) # followed by space or ( name keyword.operator.arithmetic.scheme match (?x) (?<=(\s|\()) # preceded by space or ( ( append|apply|approximate| call-with-current-continuation|call/cc|catch| construct-identifier|define-syntax|display|foo| for-each|force|cd|gen-counter|gen-loser| generate-identifier|last-pair|length|let-syntax| letrec-syntax|list|list-ref|list-tail|load|log| macro|magnitude|map|map-streams|max|member|memq| memv|min|newline|nil|not|peek-char|rationalize| read|read-char|return|reverse|sequence|substring| syntax|syntax-rules|transcript-off|transcript-on| truncate|unwrap-syntax|values-list|write|write-char| # cons, car, cdr, etc cons|c(a|d){1,4}r| # unary math operators abs|acos|angle|asin|assoc|assq|assv|atan|ceiling| cos|floor|round|sin|sqrt|tan| (?:real|imag)-part|numerator|denominator # other math operators modulo|exp|expt|remainder|quotient|lcm| # ports / files call-with-(?:input|output)-file| (?:close|current)-(?:input|output)-port| with-(?:input|output)-from-file| open-(?:input|output)-file| # char-«foo» char-(?:downcase|upcase|ready)| # make-«foo» make-(?:polar|promise|rectangular|string|vector) # string-«foo», vector-«foo» string(?:-(?:append|copy|length|ref))?| vector(?:-length|-ref) ) (?=(\s|\()) # followed by space or ( name support.function.general.scheme quote comment We need to be able to quote any kind of item, which creates a tiny bit of complexity in our grammar. It is hopefully not overwhelming complexity. Note: the first two matches are special cases. quoted symbols, and quoted empty lists are considered constant.other patterns captures 1 name punctuation.section.quoted.symbol.scheme match (?x) (')\s* ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*) name constant.other.symbol.scheme captures 1 name punctuation.section.quoted.empty-list.scheme 2 name meta.expression.scheme 3 name punctuation.section.expression.begin.scheme 4 name punctuation.section.expression.end.scheme match (?x) (')\s* ((\()\s*(\))) name constant.other.empty-list.schem begin (')\s* beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.section.quoted.scheme comment quoted double-quoted string or s-expression end (?=[\s()])|(?<=\n) name string.other.quoted-object.scheme patterns include #quoted quote-sexp begin (?<=\()\s*(quote)\b\s* beginCaptures 1 name keyword.control.quote.scheme comment Something quoted with (quote «thing»). In this case «thing» will not be evaluated, so we are considering it a string. contentName string.other.quote.scheme end (?=[\s)])|(?<=\n) patterns include #quoted quoted patterns include #string begin (\() beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.section.expression.begin.scheme end (\)) endCaptures 1 name punctuation.section.expression.end.scheme name meta.expression.scheme patterns include #quoted include #quote include #illegal sexp begin (\() beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.section.expression.begin.scheme end (\))(\n)? endCaptures 1 name punctuation.section.expression.end.scheme 2 name meta.after-expression.scheme name meta.expression.scheme patterns include #comment include #constants begin (?x) (?<=\() # preceded by ( (define)\s+ # define (\() # list of parameters ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*) ((\s+ ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*|[._]) )* )\s* (\)) captures 1 name keyword.control.scheme 2 name punctuation.definition.function.scheme 3 name entity.name.function.scheme 4 name variable.parameter.function.scheme 7 name punctuation.definition.function.scheme end (?=\)) name meta.declaration.procedure.scheme patterns include #comment include #constants include #sexp include #illegal begin (?x) (?<=\() # preceded by ( (lambda)\s+ (\() # opening paren ((?: ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*|[._]) \s+ )*(?: ([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*|[._]) )?) (\)) # closing paren captures 1 name keyword.control.scheme 2 name punctuation.definition.variable.scheme 3 name variable.parameter.scheme 6 name punctuation.definition.variable.scheme comment Not sure this one is quite correct. That \s* is particularly troubling end (?=\)) name meta.declaration.procedure.scheme patterns include #comment include #constants include #sexp include #illegal begin (?<=\()(define)\s([[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]!$%&*+-./:<=>?@^_~]*)\s*.*? captures 1 name keyword.control.scheme 2 name variable.other.scheme end (?=\)) name meta.declaration.variable.scheme patterns include #comment include #constants include #sexp include #illegal include #quote-sexp include #quote include #language-functions include #string include #constants match (?<=[\(\s])(#\\)(space|newline|tab)(?=[\s\)]) name constant.character.named.scheme match (?<=[\(\s])(#\\)x[0-9A-F]{2,4}(?=[\s\)]) name constant.character.hex-literal.scheme match (?<=[\(\s])(#\\).(?=[\s\)]) name constant.character.escape.scheme comment the . in (a . b) which conses together two elements a and b. (a b c) == (a . (b . (c . nil))) match (?<=[ ()])\.(?=[ ()]) name punctuation.separator.cons.scheme include #sexp include #illegal string begin (") beginCaptures 1 name punctuation.definition.string.begin.scheme end (") endCaptures 1 name punctuation.definition.string.end.scheme name string.quoted.double.scheme patterns match \\. name constant.character.escape.scheme scopeName source.scheme uuid 3EC2CFD0-909C-4692-AC29-1A60ADBC161E
같은 경로에, 코멘트 처리를 위해 Scheme.tmPreferences 를 추가하자.
name Miscellaneous scope source.scheme settings decreaseIndentPattern (?x)^ [ \t]*+ (?<par> ( [^()\n]++ | \( \g<par> \) )*+ ) ( \) [ \t]*+ ) ++ $ increaseIndentPattern (?x)^ [ \t]*+ \( (?<par> ( [^()\n]++ | \( \g<par> \)? )*+ ) $ shellVariables name TM_COMMENT_START value ; smartTypingPairs " " ( ) { } [ ] uuid 08AF3E95-4BF0-4F28-BC76-31B9424A20CE
추가로 프롬프트가 실행이 안될 경우, scm 의 경로를 지정한다.
preferences > Package Settings > SublimeRepl > Setting - default
"default_extend_env": {"PATH":"{PATH};c:\\Program Files (x86)\\scm"}
파일의 syntax 를 scheme 으로 설정하여 toos > evel in repl 을 통해 평가.
기본 단축키는
ctrl + ,,F
( ctrl 과 ,를 함께 누르고 뗀후 f )
'개발툴 > SubmlimeText' 카테고리의 다른 글
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